##简介 零长度数组也称柔性数组。这里是一个简单的测试demo,猜猜输出是什么? 注意:编译环境是64位的centos
- main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct STR_INT_A {
int len;
char buf[0];
typedef struct STR_INT_B
int len;
INT_A buf[0];
typedef struct STR_LONG_A {
long len;
char buf[0];
typedef struct STR_LONG_B
int len;
LONG_A buf[0];
struct STR_LONG_A_ {
long len;
char buf[0];
}__attribute ((packed));
typedef struct STR_LONG_A_ LONG_A_;
struct STR_LONG_B_
int len;
LONG_A_ buf[0];
}__attribute ((packed));
typedef struct STR_LONG_B_ LONG_B_;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("size of INT_A is:%d\n", sizeof(INT_A));
printf("size of INT_B is:%d\n", sizeof(INT_B));
printf("size of LONG_A is:%d\n", sizeof(LONG_A));
printf("size of LONG_B is:%d\n", sizeof(LONG_B));
printf("size of LONG_A_ is:%d\n", sizeof(LONG_A_));
printf("size of LONG_B_ is:%d\n", sizeof(LONG_B_));
INT_B *p_int_b = (INT_B*)malloc(1024);
LONG_B *p_long_b = (LONG_B*)malloc(1024);
printf("point of INT_B is:%p, point of INT_A is:%p\n", p_int_b, p_int_b->buf);
printf("point of LONG_B is:%p, point of LONG_A is:%p\n", p_long_b, p_long_b->buf);
return 0;
[root@localhost test_wubo]# ./a.out
size of INT_A is:4
size of INT_B is:4
size of LONG_A is:8
size of LONG_B is:8
size of LONG_A_ is:8
size of LONG_B_ is:4
point of INT_B is:0x25dc010, point of INT_A is:0x25dc014
point of LONG_B is:0x25dc420, point of LONG_A is:0x25dc428